Toni discovered sunshine today. And then she tried to eat it. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere
I think this will be a Toni thread ☝🏾
Still haven’t properly unpacked the office/studio space so it’s kinda turned into a dumping ground 😫. Toni’s not really supposed to be in here but I feel she’s lowkey obsessed with the sensation of carpet under her paws? She’ll be big mad when it gets replaced with hardwood 😈
I just got back from a shoot. It was my first work day away from home since collecting Toni. I thought she would be waiting at the door for me.

She wasn’t 😂
Who is seeing her? Honestly? 😭
When your crush makes a joke:
I don’t even know what this thing is called but Toni tried to bully it.
Tbh I feel like she’s v manipulative and does these excessively cute things on purpose? 😭
Still giving looks.
There was a sofa-bed in the living room while the new sofa and bed were both being made. She LOVED it under there but it’s gone now. And so is that infant face 😭 They grow up so fast 😂
She looks like this now @ 12 weeks 😭
Fly Gyal Toni had her nails did today. Hated it, obviously 😂
It’s the placement of each paw and the crossed legs for me.
In other news.. We’re 4 incisors down. 3 have already started coming through 😭😭😭
I can’t wait to look back at this thread in 5 years 😭
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