dear liam, harry, louis and niall,
"this is not the end"
but it feels like it is. we've been waiting for 5 years and we all are just trying to prepare ourselves for the worst, being there for each other, with each other. we just keep telling ourselves it's going to be okay and +
you won't let us down. we are so torn. torn between wanting to see you together but also wishing the best for you as solo artists, torn between accepting that this is the end and moving on, and still waiting, still hoping, because you told you'll come back for us.+
we have all found our homes, our happiness and comfort in your beautiful words and melodies, and we laughed and cried along with you, you lads have become the center of our universe. for some of us, you are the only reason we're still here, breathing and alive, and for some more+
you're the biggest inspiration and driving force. the laughter and tears you shared are treasured deep inside our hearts and we still wonder, everyday, how we got so lucky to be able to witness one direction, to be able to live in the same era as you and to be able to love you+
and support you. we've made thousands of friends through you, we've raised so much awareness, we educated ourselves so much, and that's all because of you guys. our lives would've been so different without you, so boring and bland+
thank you so much for making us smile until we felt like our face would split in two and for making us cry until we felt like there were no more tears left to cry.
yet, here i am crying as i type this all out, my heart racing at the thought of one direction bidding "goodbye"+
but, i want to say, we all are here for you lads, no matter what. we will continue to support you guys through everything and call you out and try to educate you if you do something wrong, and we'll always, always, be there for you and for each other.+
thank you so much for the most beautiful 10 years of my entire life. you guys deserve the world.
from the one direction fandom,
to liam, harry, louis, niall and zayn.
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