Are YOU a Pharisee? If the following statements apply to you, you most definitely are. (THREAD)

*note* we don’t always realise we fall under such until traits are pointed out, so don’t feel condemned at all! Just take it as something to work on 💜
- You have looked down at someone’s outfit in church. You sat there thinking ‘how can he/she dress like this TO CHURCH??’

Sorry to break it to you, buddy 💜
- You have ever said to yourself “yeah I’ve done bad things but at least I’m not like [INSERT NAME HERE]”

- You have ever told someone “you’re going to hell” or “hell is hot” and genuinely believed it was their destiny

I hope you’re hearing me oo!
- You have ever uttered the words “battyman fi dead” (gay people should d*e) or anything along those lines

Does this one sound familiar buddy?😝
- You’ve ever made a point about how some people have sex on Saturday just to go to church on Sunday

Nostalgia maybe? xx
- You have ever thought you’re better than someone else because you don’t listen to secular music

Sorry mate, this one is for you!
- You’ve intentionally tried to draw someone out on their mistakes so people can think you’re such a good Christian (jokes obviously don’t count)

- You think God judges people for their sins

I hope you’re listening!
- You’re a Christian but you’re not sure if you’re going to heaven or not

More times out of ten, I’m afraid you fit the bill!
- You believe salvation requires add-ons.

I’m so sorry man, I really am.
- You think you’re the better Christians because your prayers are longer and/or you go to church regularly

- You follow the 10 commandments, not because you love God but because you think that will get you into heaven

- You perform Battle of the Scriptures daily, hoping people will notice how “good” of a Christian you are

Is that for your ego or because you want them to see Christ in you? Tell the truth and shame the devil, buddy!
- You keep count of the souls “you’ve” won

Firstly, you didn’t even win them buddy, and secondly, if it’s not so you can remember to pray for each one individually, why are you keeping count???
I could really go on, but you get the gist! If any of these have applied to you, please make it a prayer point! Pray that God will help you to come out of this train of thought! It honestly happens to the best of us! God bless you all 💜
May we not be Pharisees, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
On the next season, maybe we’ll tackle what it TRULY means to be a lukewarm Christian, because it’s not as simple as people think 💜
Oh! Special mention:
- you look at people sideways for going to a particular church or not knowing enough scriptures!

Now this one, hm.
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