Kirk wrote: “University of Wisconsin officials” entertained “letting students tear down a statue” of Lincoln. Well, if you call reading a petition from students and deciding against it “entertaining.” And no, students were not going to tear it down. 3/x 
Kirk wrote: “Perhaps it’s the re-segregated dorms at Cal State Los Angeles or UC Boulder that helped reality set in.” Nope. Yes the dorms had black scholarship and social justice themes. But the few rooms for these “learning communities” were open to all students. 4/x
Kirk wrote: “New York City College’s professor of art crime” instruction to “rioters and vandals on the best methods for tearing down a statue of Christopher Columbus.” Well that is true: 7/x
Finally Kirk wrote: “Since these institutions are clearly using their campus rules and their professors’ lectures to promote a particular ideological and political framework...” Nope. Not even a scintilla of truth. But that does apply to Turning Point USA. End/
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