Train of thoughts about food thread:
1. Poppy seeds
No flavour in them but I always choose Orange and Poppy seed muffin over any other muffins.
I wonder why…💭
2. Sesame seeds
Unlike poppy seeds this one has heaps of flavour esp when they are toasted. I also love using sesame oil in my cooking too. These seeds are so versatile! I wonder who first thought they are good eating…💭
8. Kidney beans
Ngl the naming of this bean is horrible but I like them. I always have a canned variety in my pantry. They are about 2cm long but mine measured at 1.86cm. I mainly use them for Mexican cooking but I'd love to know if any of you have any recipe that I can try.
9. Grapes
I love green/white grapes. They make such good snacks! I never had grapes that you can eat the skin prior to moving to Aus! I trird hard to peel off the skins of those grapes and butchered those tiny deliciousness🤣
10. Kumquat
Does anyone like them? I love citrus fruits so I do like them. I do like Kumquat and honey drink I usually get at our Vietnamese restaurantđź’› I also LOVE the name Kumquat.
11. Figs
I don't know who first thought it was edible but I am thankful.

side note: I wasn't going to tweet in this thread this week bc of the current situation but as this is me being cryptic I must continue. Every Tuesday my time.
7. Blueberry
Who else love these bad boys? I can eat the whole punnet if I am allowed to or have enough money to buy some more! I don't cook them unless putting them in my baked cheese cakes counts as cooking.
3. Lentils
I usually make Dahl or Spicy Tomato, Lentil and Bacon soup. But mini monkey lvl6 is not a fan of spicy food even if I make them non spicy. Anyone have some good recipes to share?
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