I hate how the whole 'has a strong sense of justice' trait that many autistics have gets twisted into 'can't see nuance' or 'can only see things in black and white'. People constantly use that argument to shut down what I say, because silly Erin, she just can't see the NUANCE.
And when I've gotten into arguments with people in my circle, particularly over social justice related things, I can hear my family ushering them out as they leave with a whispered 'it's just her black and white thinking, don't worry'.
They want to act like they're so understanding of this deficit that I have where I 'can't see shades of grey', when actually they just can't bear to acknowledge the fact that I'm angry, that I care, and that maybe I'm even a little bit right. It's easier to write me off.
Autistics with a strong sense of justice, a strong sense of right and wrong, particularly those who get involved in social justice space or social justice discussions, don't deserve to be written off just to make you feel better about not challenging your world view. Respect us.
Maybe it's not 'because she's autistic' maybe it's because she's right and that makes you uncomfortable.
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