Things that my fellow white women do that piss me the fuck off.

1. Telling other women that, if a white woman is not nominated as VP, they are not "having their turn." It's a woman. How is that not "your turn," too?Oh wait. You mean you want it to be ONLY your turn then? Right?
2. The crying thing. Come on. Y'all know what I'm talking abt. I GET IT. We have been trained to cry instead of getting angry but damn hell, we also use that as a weapon, when we've done something bad and we don't want to admit it.
Don't use crying to a. stop from admitting you are wrong b. continue being racist or internalizing your misogyny or other bigotry c. to get something you are not entitled to without working for it but think you shld have because you are white. Knock that shit off.
Also, it's healthy to actually be angry so when you cry when you're mad, work on not doing that as much as just be mad.
3. Supporting racism and the patriarchy because it is familiar and of course, because you're a racist or have internalized misogyny.

Racism is always wrong. Generalized bigotry is bad. Internalized misogyny? You're harming us all doing any of this. Quit it.
4. Not mentoring other women. White women do not mentor other women well. I mean, it might work out occasionally but usually, if you look like you might do better than your white woman mentor, you'll get your career killed. I'm serious. We suck at mentoring other women.
5. Calling the police or a manager for an inconvenience, as opposed to a real problem. Mostly, this is abt racism, although I have seen white women employ this just to get things they think they are entitled to which they are not and also do not want to handle themselves.
Remember when that dude called me a bitch the other day? I didn't say anything to the manager and won't unless he tries it again. I handled it myself by telling him not to do that and scaring him by looking like his mother.
I'm not saying speaking to the manager can't be helpful. I've done it, but you know, don't hound ppl to death. Example: An ex-friend who is Republican called a company who were experiencing shipping problems because of Covid. They told her the truth, that it wld be delayed ...
... and three hours later, through five managers, finally, one of them lied to her and said it wld be there by a certain time. (It wasn't btw and she was shocked. ::eyeroll::) DON'T DO THIS. THESE PPL ARE BUSY AND DO NOT HAVE TIME TO DEAL W/YOUR ENTITLED ASS.
If you're going to use the power of "speaking to the manager" white women have, use it on your politicians who want to kill our children by sending them back to school during a pandemic out of control. Jesus. Duh.
6. Do not tell me who your daddy is. That includes when it's your boyfriend or husband.
7. Stop bullying your peers. I watched this happen online the other day abt sending kids back to school. One white woman was loftily discussing how she was sending her kids back to school and quietly denigrating the other women's choices. YOU ARE NO LONGER IN HIGH SCHOOL.
8. Don't come to other women and say, "Well. I'm (fill in the blank w/ issue being discussed) and I don't have that problem. Good for you! You're a lucky exception. What abt all the women telling you otherwise?? Are they not as important as you? White women do this all the time!
9. And this one is painful, but you know, fuck it, it's true. STOP BEING JEALOUS BECAUSE WOMEN OF COLOR LOOK YOUNGER THAN YOU DO. Sorry. We're white. Our skin ages more quickly. You were the one who sat in the sun w/baby oil on. Own it.
This particularly refers to that bullshit thing abt Kamala Harris and plastic surgery the other day. First of all, no, she hasn't had any, including botox and you can tell.
Secondly, plastic surgery is a totally acceptable thing to do and a lot of white women have been botoxing since they were in their 20s and need to reassess their choices in how they criticize others. Thank you. Stop that.
If you want to feel like you are worth more than youthful looks, get the fuck off the couches, bitches and throw off the patriarchy!! Come on!! We're waiting for you to get a clue.
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