(1/3) I’m so glad to see The Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad trending. Friendly reminder that Harley’s design and aesthetic matches her misfit punk rockstar mentality to a T. That being said we need to keep clamoring. #ReleaseTheAyerCut #OpSKWAD
(2/2) I remember when the Snyder Cut was announced hoping an Ayer Cut announcement wasn’t too far behind. After all David’s original version of the movie was already completed and was originally meant to directly tie into Zack’s Justice League. #ReleaseTheAyerCut #OpSKWAD
(3/3) I remember thinking that @hbomax could release Ayer’s finished version of the film in the Fall as a means to promote Snyder’s Justice League for next year. #ReleaseTheAyerCut #OpSKWAD
There’s clearly a market/audience for it. Please give this movie the proper release it deserves and correct that egregious misstep you made all years ago by editing it down to whatever it’s final product was intended to be. #ReleaseTheAyerCut #OpSKWAD
Whatever the reason Max, WB, and AT&T would be foolish not to jump aboard the hype train and give the fans more of what we want. After all we would all be willing to pay for it and if today’s proven anything it’s how many of us out there WANT this Cut. #ReleaseTheAyerCut #OpSKWAD
Enough time has passed and we want the real deal. @DavidAyerMovies deserves this closure as does his fans and as does the fans of this movie and everything it could’ve been. Please don’t waste this second chance. Do the right thing. #ReleaseTheAyerCut #OpSKWAD
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