Anorexia is the most fatal mental disorder, with the lowest recovery rate and the highest mortality of any mental condition, including chronic depression.

That gender dysphoria is presented as the most fatal condition, not even as a BDD anymore, is a testament to male privilege.
Eating disorders are overwhelmingly suffered by women and girls. It's a struggle to find precise demographics, but roughly 90% of people with anorexia are women and girls.
Why does this disorder have the highest rate of death of any mental disorder?
Media, patriarchy. We aren't allowed to say either exist or impact us.

30 years ago, laws were being changed to regulate media for the express purpose of addressing body dysmorphia, anorexia.

Now, hardly anyone talks about women starving themselves; we can't criticize media.
Now, we're expected to assume that any feeling we have about our bodies can't be questioned. What brought us here?

Porn is the medium which cannot be questioned, and it is the basis of gender ideology.

Body dysmorphia is being naturalized through porn and male sexual desires.
Society is empathizing with a minority of men who feel uncomfortable about gender stereotypes, rather than paying attention to the high mortality rate of women who actually live with these stereotypes, that are killing them inside and out; this alone is proof of patriarchy.
If we truly cared about dysphoria, body dysmorphia, we'd have to confront the shocking fatality of eating disorders suffered by women globally.

Instead, we're meant to feel sorry that a man in a dress and poor makeup received an odd look.
Look at the money poured into promoting gender dysphoria; large corporate sectors promote it as natural because they can profit.

Look at the disparity of care for women and girls, much more of them, who are starving to death because their pain can't be made into profit.
When I was 19 years old and weighed 39kg, not a single loved one asked me what was wrong; they affirmed my eating disorder by telling me I looked great.
Everywhere I look when I search about women's rights, gender dysphoria is a hot topic.
Women who struggle under gender stereotypes imposed on us now have the double burden of empathizing with how men feel about their bodies, while our struggles are written off as cis privilege.
It angers and disgusts me.
I will take gender dysphoria seriously when I see women's pain brought back to the forefront, women's own dysmorphia; when we can criticize media for the proper role it plays in dissociative disorders.
I will never support mind-body disassociation as healthy or affirming.
To summarize, it seems that men are naturalizing disassociation due to porn and other aspects of media while women have been trying to criticize media for the fatal aspects relative to the female experience with our bodies.

There is nothing natural about this.
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