I'm trying to find articles to explain to my family members why COVID isn't over and why they need to stay home.

The end of most of them is something like "know when to give up."

That's been really hard to accept lately.
The excuse "well no one has it around here" isn't good enough. Staying home can help prevent people around there from getting it.

“The more people move around and mingle the easier it is for the virus to spread," from @TIME. https://time.com/5843895/travel-coronavirus-summer/
Okay so that's the end of this thread for now. If you have any suggestions on getting family members to understand the risks of COVID or dealing with the guilt of feeling like you're not doing enough, my DMs are open and all advice is appreciated!!
One last thing actually: if you feel attacked by this thread, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!
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