I’m bored and procrastinating so here are so apps I found helpful during medical school ✌️❤️
Loved this for making to-do lists, shopping lists, and notes. You can also link other notes to each other!
No explanation needed 🤪
But really a meditation practice really helps to calm down or just mellow out any residual anxiety
You can use this to document any thoughts you’re having and select the associated cognitive distortions and challenge those thoughts with alternative thoughts. Shoutout to my therapist for putting me onto this, ily boo 🥰
Very minimalist focus timer for those who are into the pomodoro technique
I just think she’s neat 😌
A unit converter! It converts units 👀
This has a residency program selector and a salary map. Also, lots of articles about medicine. Basically, LinkedIn + Facebook for those in the medical field
You’ll have patients who can’t afford their medications and this can help a lot in finding them local deals. They also have physical coupon cards if they don’t have a smart phone
Why did they make us take math classes for pre-med requirements when we all use this? 🤦‍♂️
I haven’t used this yet but a lot of upper class students swear by it 🙌
You can put it in your medications, dosage, shape, frequency and it’ll remind you to take it. It’s also very annoying and will notify you to take your meds like 3 times until you log that you’ve taken it
For forming new habits (Anki) that’ll last. Lots of notifications, graphs, pastel colors, all that fun stuff. Cool, I have nothing else! Feel free to add, whatever!
I made a typo in the first tweet and now I hate myself
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