I just watched the whole Kanye rally and if you are really worried about him I urge you to do the same. He held his composure for most of the rally except when talking about his daughter. He seems fine to me, I don’t think that the place he is in mentally is a bad one (1/?)
He was very respectful (except for a heated interaction at the end) to everybody who talked, and he wanted to remain calm the whole time. What shocked me most was how accepting and respectful he was to those with opposing views. I think he actually does care about (1/?)
What he’s saying and the message he is spreading, and I didn’t think that before I watched the rally. His perspectives are very flawed on some issues, but he seems willing to learn and very open minded. Obviously his religion is playing a large part in his politics. (3/?)
Which is why he wouldn’t make a good politician, but he I believe he truly wants to help America especially Black America. As always his ideas are big and out there, they need to be reigned in, but I don’t think he’s just saying crazy nonsense. He has real ideas and visions (4/?)
I think he needs to sit down with someone who is educated and have a meaningful discussion. I think this will benefit him and his ideas a lot. I don’t think he is a danger to himself or his family, it is evident to me that he can care for his children safely. (5/?)
This was a long thread that made me seem like a crazy Stan and I’m sure it’s filled with typos lol. I hope that it doesn’t fall on deaf ears tho. (6/6) @KanyePodcast @YESEEGHOSTS
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