Funny thing: anytime i have an event i like to invite everybody as to not make anyone feel left out. This could be the people pleaser in me OR i don’t like feeling left out so i try to include everyone in my stuff.
So Yesterday i was given a certainly number of ppl and was challenged to really assess my friendships. I’ve always been in multiple friend groups which has been cool but also sticky. But in this context, it made stuff so much more stressful having to choose
I’m always around a lot of people, i love hard, and i try to be a good friend (i just don’t reach out often lol). So now that im having to take inventory and stand in the decisions i make, i feel like I’m finally growing up.
Also, I’m the type of friend who will literally give my last to help but would never request that same type of help. #Pride but we will deal with that another day 😂
I said all that to say....this week im being intentional about taking inventory of those around me. Also, i won’t feel bad for celebrating with those who don’t make me question their love and respect for me.
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