I had a Covid-19 test today as a symptomatic individual in Massachusetts. Things went well... except when they went terribly.

Here are my key takeaways on the process & the dangers I didn’t expect: (1/13)
1. In my area of MA there is free testing (great idea!) But most testing is scheduling >7 days out. Even though we were symptomatic. When on the phone with schedulers we were not reminded to act as if we were positive in the meantime (would be key to help reduce spread).
2. When we got to the testing site, many people walking up to the site were not wearing masks. Umm, this is a very high risk area. To mitigate spread more reminders for mask use are required. I’ve put out more posters for teenager babysitting gigs than were posted in this area.
3. I was asked “were you born in the USA?” By the staff. I asked if this was an optional question. They said “it is mandatory & required by our funding agency.” @MassGovernor This is a great program, but we need assurances these data are not being given to ICE or DHS.
We need to build trust in our community to combat public health issues. There is a long history of mistrust = punlic health crises. Questions about citizenship may decrease the effectiveness of this program & future, similar programs.
4. The staff was very professional & respectful, but then asked to hand me a paper sheet of info to take home. I asked “can i find this info online? I would like to stay 6 ft away from you.” Remember: I am symptomatic & this admin has only a surgical mask. This didn’t work well.
I walked away to avoid this admin, and other people moving about the line. We should not be relying on patients to have microbiology phds to keep staff safe. Handing things to patients should be avoided.
Next was testing.
5. Testing is a self-administered swab w/careful instruction by someone in full PPE. Instructions were clear, but self-administration is problematic. Is this an evidence-backed practice? Are there more false negatives? I’m concerned most people wouldn’t insert the swab far enough
As a colleague articulated, proper nasal swabbing can feel like a pap smear for your brain. I’d love anyone reading this to share if this self-administered method is as effective, or common practice.
6. The chair I was sitting in was cleaned in between visitors, the site was outside, and the info for finding the site was available online. All great! My test results are also available in 24-48 hours- useful! BUT my partner won’t receive his for 13 days!
Reminder: we are both symptomatic and we live together. The only difference in teating time is that I was able to jump i to a cancellation spot and he was not.
Key take aways: we need to use any testing interaction we have w/people to remind them to quarantine if showing symptoms, & to wear masks. We need to make these spaces safe for all community members (regardless of citizenship), we need rapid testing availability.
I am proud to live in MA and happy there are programs in place to reduce spread by asymptatic spreaders, but we need to do more to increase public safety. Many of these suggestions won’t take more $. They’re behavioral. They take a few signs, a few modifications. We can do better
Now go hug your loved ones (who you live with), call your family members to remind them to socially distance, and wear a mask.
Thank you. 😷
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