Before I start this thread I have written some intro notes for you to read before you continue in terms of where this thread has come from and why I’ve decided to create it.

This thread will be heavily opinion based so im neither right nor wrong.
Let’s kick off with ancient structures. I’ve done a thread on this before where I feel the structures are too complex and the architecture is too sophisticated to exist in that era everything future dates our capabilities back then.
THEY WERE NOT BURIAL GROUNDS https://twitter.com/userdeebee/status/1272868751269081088
If we can all agree that these complex structures are not what they are perceived to be then you have some doubts on the origins of these structures and possible the truth in our history as a species.
Let’s look at us, evolution has told us that natural selection dictates how we evolve as a species but nobody to this day has been able to tell us with absolute proof how primates are only approaching the Stone Age and how homosapiens are so far technologically advanced
The differences between monkey brains and human other than the slight variance in shape is enlarged frontal and parietal lobes or frontal cortex which allow us to problem solve and understand complex situations. Additionally we use slightly more neurons within our hemisphere
With the vast differences in genetic makeup between monkey and human why has one surpassed the other in terms of evolution?
We haven’t, this is where the 🐇 🕳 runs deep and where I’ve been hiding the past few weeks
A lot of the veteran truthers out there know of benevelant humans who are not from this planet. They have origins from other planets but our DNA originates from these benevolent humans and are not from planet earth. They haven’t made us either but I’ll explain who did
Up until 4-6 thousand years ago, human species were a slave species controlled by a superior race genetically created from the DNA of benevolent species for the purpose of harvesting, this might sound familiar to some of you even in today’s world with everything going on.
The harvesting was the purpose of extending the physical life of the Annunaki, they had created us based off the DNA of the benevolent species as they were the purest creatures and prime resource, kind of like ham vs steak (terrible analogy)
The Annunaki are false gods, they created us for the purpose of harvesting our blood and pineal gland which is the key to advanced consciousness, the Annunaki are carved in ancient rocks holding a pine cone in reference to the pineal gland
They used us as slaves and because of their advanced knowledge of the universe we seen them as gods and worshipped them. The pyramids you see today is because of these false gods, they used pyramids for abundant electricity for what use? I’m not sure, likely space travel
The DNA of earth humans isn’t unique in the vastness and abundance of life in the universe. We are humans of earth, there are so many other variant types of homosapiens in the universe, however we’re unique in that we were once a slave species created for one purpose
“What if they come back” I hear you say, well they can’t. There is a galactic council or superior race that do control what happens in the universe who ruled that because of “neglect” we are no longer owned by the Annunaki as we’ve developed far beyond a simple species
Bear with me I know this is hard to digest or seems far fetched. Im going to link this up with our current timeline and the cabal and the elite and what the f^*k is going on and wtf has project looking glass got to do with all of this
As a result of the ruling of the council we were left to our own devise, we have evolved substantially as an independent species even with suppression over the last few centuries and all of this advanced knowledge left behind, removed from history. This leads me to the cabal
The cabal, or elite as some call them are derived from an ancient bloodline which are connected to these Annunaki “fake gods” who know all about our ancient history and have the knowledge passed down through bloodlines of what really happened, they use this to their advantage.
They continue to suppress this knowledge, our history and our capabilities so that we don’t reach our true potential. The cabal still practice these ancient rituals, they still consume the blood of our children and have done for a very long time and continue to control us
This is where some readers are going to disagree with me, religion as a whole is about 80-90% fake. Religion was created as a form of control over our species and although some of it is real, a large proportion is fake or made up to stray us from the truth.
God also doesn’t exist in typical human form, god is within you, god is within everyone. God is the collective consciousness of the universe while this seems fictional there is more and more evidence showing consciousness is INSANE!
I won’t delve into this too much
Consciousness is important here, as we shift towards a great awakening our consciousness is developing more and more. We can see this being resembled in the Schumann resonance which has been off the charts in 2020
I’m sure many of you have had some sleepless nights this year?
Project looking glass was used against us for a very long time, it was used to see fragmented pieces of the future and how they could best control the outcome of the future. But there was one problem, the timelines intertwined in 2012 which meant 1 of two outcomes
The first would be what’s referred to as the start of “The Great Awakening” or the end of our species. The mayans predicted this a very long time ago when their Mayan calendar expired on December 21st 2012, as you can tell the world didn’t end when it was supposed to
What happened instead was a first, a first in the existence of the universe where a species so capable of much more realised they were part of something bigger than themselves, truths which have been taken from them for thousands of years, The evolution of consciousness
This moment in the third dimension is being observed by so many other species in the universe, I can’t begin to tell you how biblical this is and how much is waiting for us at the end of all this. The evolution of consciousnes being observed in a single time has never happened
So, when you ask what the great awakening truly is it’s the monumental shift in consciousness and an acceptance of our species as an advanced civilisation in the collective conscious universe. But, we still have a bit to go..
This brings us to current timelines, pizza gate and everything that surrounds it. As much as the great awakening seems like it’s the fall of the cabal, it is just a tiny fraction - Yes, people are waking up but your job is to help drive this
As much as the outcome is inevitable (I promise you it is) we as in all of us need to help others wake up, only at the point when people are awake and seeing the truth can we proceed to where we are destined to be
Once we pass the hurdle of wiping out the cabal, what will proceed after that will blow your mind. We have been travelling to space for quite a while, we have our own space fleet (stargate) > think plausible deniability 😉
We have immense advances in technology waiting to be shared with everyone, I promise you the outcome to this story is all within your grasp and will happen sooner than you think.
I’ll leave this here, I’ve rambled on for long enough if you’ve made it this far - thank you 🙏
I am not suicidal, I am not depressed or have any mental incompetence and I’m happy and healthy.
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