Time to Talk about Zeon Vibe. THIS IS ZEON! :D He has a super long history but here is a break down of the beginning of his life. (ish)
He originates from a universe centered around the idea of rebirth and 2 deaths. The more friends/people in your social circle the better! 1/
This universe and all its parallel versions were ruled by 7 beings. The origin of all other universes and their gods. They were not good nor evil. They were all balanced and blanced the universes they were in charge of. They ruled for many many millions of years. But then... 2/
A religion slowly started to take hold and spread the idea of them being evil and problematic. They had little traction at first, but instead of gaining people, they gained POWER. To the point where they figured out something super detrimental that would threaten everything 3/
But now we talk about this binch. This is Zene. They grew up in not the best situations. Always feeling like an outsider as they were never good enough for their parents. But it turns out they were just different. They weren't cis. But their parents wanted a cis kid. 4/
But after being grabbed/physically assaulted by their mentally unstable father they 🏃🏾‍♂️💨 ! Out onto the street and became homeless. They may have been transmasc but the streets did not care about that. And They suffered for it. You can imagine how. 5/
Soon they became desperate. Even though the rulers of the realms tried to keep things balanced and peaceful, it wasn't possible with sentient beings. They couldn't fit in anywhere and they felt lonely and unloved and needed money. So they stumbled along a flyer 6/
"Come to experience enlightenment, become bigger and better."
Being raised in a Christian setting and not having enough time to develop much street smarts, Zene decided to go. They found themselves in a dark room with a few other confused participants.
Murmurs... Whispers... 7/
Silence. Awkward pause filled the air. eyes slowly adjusting to the lack of light, but finding nothing still. The creatures weren't like Zene, but this in itself wasn't weird. Aliens, anthros, and ect. But all lonely, no friends, no family, and all vulnerable.
"Oh, no Not good" 8
BANG. The lights shoot on like a flash grenade, blinding everyone. Panic kicks in and Zene and others are trampled as larger individuals rush for the exists. One makes it to the door. Locked.
No where to run. People's screams are growing fainter. Zene feels hands on them. 9
They know the grab, but its not from a loved one this time... They yell, but so does everyone else. Soon the screams grow fainter and more silent. Bound and restrained. Darkness once more.
They've done this before... What have I done. 10
A sharp pain, then sleep embraces the mind. Zene wakes up to find themselves on a table Symbols on the chest, head, and on the table they are strapped to. Struggle is useless as the limbs are too numb to move.
The ritual begins once the other "participants" failed to survive. 11
SO Zene represents being powerless, trying to carve your own path but the world being to cold and heartless to let you. also represents innocence and such and how the world will show you its true colors very quickly. But thing is Zene and Zeon are the same person so. 12
Ritual happens, Zene becomes infused with and a prison for the universe gods and in this happening, they take on the form of Zeon. They take on a new name, and new form. But its at a price.
Possession and demonic things are a lowkey kink so. You will probably see em a lot. 13
Each god is named after a sin. one that represents their personality best. And each sin has their own color. Green is the most common one and that one is Greed. He is the leader of all the other 6. And due to being imprissoned for so long (due to Zeon never dying) went insane.14
Soon the sins fell into different specturms of the alignment chart. And Greed's alignment led him to basically having Zeon destroy all traces of his home universe. Both as punishment and in hopes of being freed. But Zeon ended up in a new universe instead. 15
Zeon as a whole represents overcoming inner battles and inner demons and being more wise than he really understands. As he has no idea whats wrong with him or why he is the way he is. He is just in a new body after all. And the body's only hold back is his own confidence. 16
Represents being stronger than you give yourself credit for, and it can be seen when he must belive in himself to protect those he loves. When he was reborn he was reborn into a new family, but one that resembled his old one. He was wiser this time and understood more about em.17
But in being reborn and retaining so much previous reincarnations, he is actually able to take on many different forms depending on the occasion so. His main ones represent different things as well. But this thread is already long so. If you made it this far. THANKS! and also 18
Tell me what "sin" you want to learn about. Options are
Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Lust, Wrath, and Pride. Each has their own story and are very personable. Lust and Wrath are also dating so. Ask me about their dynamic if you want. 👀👀👀👀 19
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