/Let me start off by saying this: I am not or will not ever be into pedophilia. I think that people who are, are disgusting and need to get help or simply wait until that child is of age of consent... you still need to get some mental health help though. It's gross...
/I saw a post about Danielle Breogli or however you spell her dumbass' name and I got a bit... confused by it. She is 17. Yes, in my opinion, that's a child, but in SOME states, that's not. Thats a legal consenting adult, mine being one of them. The sad, sad, sad...
/ part is that some states, it's 16... 16 is the age of consent. It's your choice what to do with this thread. I am NOT defending legitimate pedophiles. I was abused as a child and I will NEVER defend pedophiles. However, I will defend those who are of the legal age...
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