thread on b.a.p's activism since MANY peopke tend to discredit them for no reason
before their debut in 2012, Bang Yongguk has made several donations to UNICEF, Save the Children, World Vision, etc. He is also a registered member of these three and is sponsoring a girl called Mim from Bangladesh.
Also before his debut, he made a song featuring Maslo where all the proceeds went to charity.
in an interview from 2013 he said "I think idols are not stars but role models and icons of good image for young kids."
During their activities Yongguk would often ask fans to donate if they are able to and on Children's Day one year he asked fans if he could donate all their gifts to children. After their approval he donated them to One Love Disabled Infant Home.
He was very active on Twitter often tweeting about social justice or retweeting posts from UNICEF or United Nations. He was also a finalist for a Shorty Award in the category "Activism".
On their anniversary they donated water pumps to UNICEF for people in Africa under the fandom's name.
They would donate the proceeds from some of the concerts (e.g. Live On Earth Seoul) to One Love Disabled Infant Care.
In another interview, Yongguk said he donates every month to children in need in Korea and abroad. This is even more impressive when you realise the group wasn't payed until 2015 and even then were receiving VERY little.
In the "Thanks To" part on one of their albums, Yongguk mentioned the children he was sponsoring from all over the world "My heart's path is to be an angel that shares love. Mim, Denis, although our bodies are far apart, I'm always receiving a clear influence from you guys.-
Dad's going to make sure that he goes to see you. I promise. Also, I would like to show my sign of respect towards the international organizations that work hard for the children all over the world that need help."
there are many more small instances where b.a.p have shown they are activists even through their MVs (e.g. Wake Me Up). I made this thread to show that b.a.p werent just "some group" they were one of the most influential groups in all of kpop that actually made a difference.
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