tw/ abuse and rape

the hand movement the little girl did is EXACTLY, to the T.. how i used to subtly push my abusers hand away from touching me inappropriately. i felt that.
i’m not trying to analyze the girl but ya, i used to push their hand away and keep my arm there. it’s triggering/sad as fuck to see and i really hope that girl is okay.
i’m actually really irritated by this because we continue to advocate for locking up r*pists, but they only want to lock them up after the fact, 20/30 years down the line. everyone KNEW what r k*lly was doing. yet nothing happened. this is exactly wtf y’all are doing w/ this man
it takes a community & a village to raise children. i am tired of the “what happens in this house stays in this house.” that is not okay. it is our moral duty to hold others accountable and protect the lives of children & those who can’t defend themselves.
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