It has come to my attention that there is someone out there impersonating me on the phone and calling hopeful authors to offer them "contracts." I'm trying to get to the bottom of this so please let me know if you have any info. I am so sorry to anyone who has experienced this.
I don't have all the information about the tactics this person is using yet, but please be aware that there is a scammer out there promising people contracts and using my name to do so. I am disgusted that people are out there taking advantage of writers in this way.
A legitimate agent is not going to call you up and promise you a contract. That isn't how the publishing submission process works.
Moving forward, I will conduct all my offer of representation calls over video as a way to verify my identity. Another way to know it is me is that I only ever email from my official Nelson Literary Agency email address. Writers, please do your research. Ask questions. Verify.
Trust your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is.
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