I've now done my 60th run so I thought I'd share some opinionated observations on running vs. riding. I am sorry in advance for offending anyone.
I think folks who want to do an active pursuit outside drift one way depending on which feels better for them mechanically and how they feel about time effectiveness vs. fun. I mean running is fun like having brunch with your mother-in-law is fun. Running is satisfying work.
Getting fit on a bike takes like 3 times as much time as running. You can destroy yourself running in 40 minutes. This is a big positive for running. Plus there is nothing to repair in running—other than your body, which will break down on a very regular basis.
I should say now that I'm aware there's a group of people who passionately do both. Many of them call themselves triathletes. I suspect these folks need some kind of intervention.
Anyway, this thread came to me last night as I was Googling foam-roller exercises and learning about my TFL (cousin to the IT band). Cycling is like sitting at a desk while running is like having a job where you swing a pickaxe.
Fitness-wise, the best and the worst thing about riding a bike is that you're sitting on a machine. So you don't use your whole body—not even close—but you shield yourself from impact and can go super deep on your cardiovascular fitness in a way that's otherwise hard to do.
Right now, I find dealing with all the impacts of running is a positive. I think my bones and joints and soft tissue will thank me eventually. After 30+ years of riding, I think my bone density was getting wimpy. But I enjoyed being out of touch with my IT band.
I think the two activities appeal to radically different personalities/lifestyles. My theory is the running community is more inclusive because the activity is more basic. Running with folks is like going to the gym together; while riding with folks is like taking a trip together
Let me say this thread is not about racing. Being serious as a racer—whether you run or ride—is all about suffering and commitment and I think the two are far less dissimilar on that level. I think running has created this intermediate world where one can dabble with competition.
Wrapping up. I think running is an activity that gives you huge physiological benefit and feels like a community and fits neatly into most folks' lives. This is why I'm into it now. Riding is like having a fitness hobby where you take physically demanding vacations with friends.
Thanks for reading this thread....gotta run.
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