In the article by GizMeek, we find a photo of the place, we will use it to do a reverse image and see the result.
Very little result but one is interesting! The first...

The image is identical to the first one (except the graphic addition) but the link of the site which displays this image does not give more information.
Too bad but let's continue
I try to reverse this last image (with the github logo) and this time, an interesting result gives me more information!
This time though, the name of the image gives me a place that I can easily find:

➡️ Longyearbyen Gruve
A simple search on google map and I find an interesting place.

We are interested in the title of the last photo, we are looking for: Gruve 3
Gruve 3 is actually present on the map 🥳

Let's take a closer look 🧐
A simple comparison allows me to affirm that the place of the image is indeed that on google map!

Here are the coordinates of Arctic Code Vault:

78°14'16.5"N 15°26'53.0"E
78.237918, 15.448047
This thread aims to show the simple operation of an osint search, hoping that it will be useful for your next searches!

Take care of yourself and come out masked! 😷
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