If you feel like unfollowing people, just do it silently. You don’t need to announce to your followers that you will do an unfollow spree or tweet how an account irritates you so you unfollowed them. It isn’t that hard to try to be less toxic.
I do unfollow some accounts sometimes for personal reasons, but you don’t hear me whining. There are so many problems that this world has to offer, let’s not be too fixated on this pettiness.
I just tweeted out of frustration. Not pertaining to any person, I don’t practice subtweeting now.
Making an issue about followers, following, and the skinny ratio is trivial and niggling. This display of pettiness is usually insecurity and unhappiness in disguise. People are dying Brenda, no one cares about your unfollow spree.
I challenge everyone if you see someone tweeting about unfollowing spree and how they will unfollow you if will not reply on that specific tweet, do that person a favor and unfollow them. 😂
Or you can just send this thread so you can knock some sense into them. 😂
You can follow @alypalad.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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