Can we stop judging people for how little they eat in public?

A THREAD on why I hate eating around people/in restaurants
- I have social anxiety. I have emetophobia. When I am in public around people my adrenaline has spiked which already makes me feel ill, therefore I will order food and not eat more than about 4-5 bites of it before I package it up to take back to my house or hotel room. 1/?
- This is worse if it's my first day at a con, a new person's house, or if I'm just going out to eat for the first time in a while. I ALWAYS get weird looks from people when I do it, and then my adrenaline spikes more because I feel like I HAVE to eat. 2/?
- People automatically assume I have an eating disorder even though I will eat the food LATER when I have cooled down and am feeling better, and frankly I don't like getting weird looks if I don't finish my food it makes me not want to eat more. 3/?
- I feel like it's not fair for me to have to explain myself when it's a personal issue that's none of anyone's business but idk. Just stop judging people for eating too much or too little in public spaces. It's rude. 4/4
Hey this is gaining some traction and I just wanted to say: This post is not to promote EDs. If you have an eating disorder, please seek help. I'm not here to shame you, and I'm sure it's something you're struggling with but please reach out for help if you have an ED if you can.
However, you should still NEVER judge someone who has an eating disorder, treat people with eating disorders like fucking people.
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