So here’s a cute little story for you today!

Our company name being “Team Pumpkin” we get a lot of web traffic when people organically search for us. They need to fill up a ‘Contact Us’ form where they write why they need to connect with us. (1/6)
Mostly these are business leads, CVs or Vendor Registrations, for all of which we have set processes.

And one fine day last month, we received a very different kind of query. It was by a farmer who wanted help from us in selling his Pumpkins 😂 (2/6)
Obviously our name misled him to us and he thought we were an agency specialising in Pumpkin sales.

Though some of us laughed it off, few of us started to think if we can really help him out.

@shiva_bhavani from our team called the farmer and understood what is available (3/6)
One of the big grocery e-commerce players in India happens to be our client, and we roughly checked if it’s possible for them to buy this stock.

Their team took some time to check internally with the buying team and eventually accepted. (4/6)
Today the farmer has happily sold the stocks directly to the grocery e-retailer at a price he expected and called us to thank 😊

Special mention to @tarouni here for pushing us into this and @shiva_bhavani for leading the mission from the front (5/6)
And lastly, the learning. If you have been blessed with resourcefulness, make sure you help everyone who need it! A little effort and a little time can deliver unbelievable results 😊 (6/6)
You can follow @swatinathani.
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