A stupid tweet from some clueless person with zero knowledge of how the National Statistical System works, probably an aspiring 'influencer' looking for retweets went viral, prompting a response from UBOS's ED, a holder of a PhD in Statistics! Social media will be the end of us!
UBOS is ranked among the best performing National Statistics agencies in Africa on coverage&openness of Statistics. Ironically The bureau scores the highest on economic stats, the area the intern is critiquing with zero expertise, only conspiracy theories https://odin.opendatawatch.com/ReportCreator/ExportCountryReport/UGA/2018
To reiterate, Her tweet was so devoid of any facts and knowledge of UBOS's role and work that I thought it was absurd that such a conspiracy theory would elicit a response from the chief of the bureau himself. We are talking abt a student intern who was in the bureau for 3 weeks!
But I think this is a lesson to UBOS @StatisticsUg especially their Corporate communications department that they need to do more on educating the public on what UBOS is and does, demystifying statistics, trainings in data literacy, etc. Many people even mistake UBOS for UNBS!
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