3) Here's a fascinating bit of news: @ProjectLincoln will work *against* GOP Senators who try to obstruct Joe Biden's agenda, should he win the presidency.

Founder @jwgop tells me the group is wary of any rerun of what GOP Senators did to Obama in 2009:

4) @ProjectLincoln regularly slams Trump's assaults on democracy and the rule of law. They put out a video on John Lewis.

But does this commitment to democracy include continued support for *expanding* voting rights after Trump is gone?

They say yes:

5) What will @ProjectLincoln do if a President Biden/Dem Congress raise taxes on the rich to fund a huge rescue package?

Does @ProjectLincoln believe a remade GOP must move away from reflexive tax cuts for the rich?

I did something crazy. I asked them:

6) Note this interesting concession from @jwgop, founder of @ProjectLincoln.

I asked what blame GOP bears for creating conditions for Trump's rise.

He admits doing things like helping elect Jeff Sessions to the Senate was a "brick in the road" to Trump:

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