Hi, i specialized in Albania & Yugoslavia history in WWI, WWII & up until the late 90’s. I’m about to start checking all u sweeties. Plz stop. I am literally a historian- that is my title and it’s killing my heart to see young people with passion and potential just get it wrong
First and foremost- both early Albanian and Yugoslav Gov met with Nazi and Fascist regimes at the start of the war. Both govs were challenged and defeated by Albanian separatists and Yugo separatists. Albania was never a Nazi state neither was Yugoslavia.
I don’t want to focus on Yugoslavia but so many are asking. The most famous Yugo separatist of this era (which historians refer to as the Second Yugoslavia) was Josip Tito.
Back to Albania, supporting Albania is not a new-Nazi ideology, it is not a violent ideology and it is not an attack on Serbians. Greater Albania refers to lands outside of Albania where Albanians have historically resided since before the Serbian empire and the Ottoman Empire.
Because the Balkans have been oppressed and ruled over by various outside forces the history of the Balkan people has been misconstrued and misinterpreted by outsiders and Balkans themselves. It’s not a blame game rather a misinformation game.
The point of this thread is to clarify false claims that Albanians are aligned with Nazi Ideology.
Minor mistake i meant Partisan groups not separatists. My brain is dead sometimes ok
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