New forms are emerging quickly now - pods for schooling, pods in general, work from home, etc. More will be coming, I expect, as more institutions and organizations falter under stress.
In that context a huge question is the extent to which emerging new forms embody the domination worldview that shaped the systems that are faltering or whether people find ways to embody a partnership worldview.
For example, schooling pods could be constructed in ways to share resources across class, race etc, but they most likely won't without intention right? In a segregated society with risk of exposure to the virus falling along class and racial lines...
there's will be a pull to replicate the same segregated patterns when the new form, in this case pods, emerges.
We see this with physical infrastructure too. When the bridge washes out in a storm made worse by climate change it could be rebuilt with a cycling lane, or too new specifications but if the rush is just to get the road open those opportunities could be lost.
Creating the conditions where people can be calm, reflective, generous, open, and clear about the root causes of the crises they are reacting to with these new innovations seems a key point of intervention right now and going forward.
It's schools now, but food systems, postal system, water systems, energy systems all have the same potential to my mind.
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