As-salamu alaykum
Somali Twitter

This is a thread regarding the Somali community and is especially relevant to the Somali women.
A lot of people will call me a racist nationalist for this tweet but I'm only stating the truth of the world & only being realistic.
Uqbah ibn ‘Amir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, these lineages of yours cannot be used to disparage anyone You are all the children of Adam, going back to him equally and cannot be exceeded. No one is favored except by religion or
good deeds. It is enough sin for a man to be vulgar, shameless, miserly, and cowardly.”

Source: Musnad AḼmad 16978

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
In Islam you are allowed to marry other ethnicities but you need to look critically at the state of the world .
You need to look at the world you and your children will live in.
With that said I would like to get to my main point.
Which is for the love of Allah if you are going to marry a foreigner please make sure it's a worthy compromise.
For instance the foreign partner must be a successful person with a prosperous country.
The country part doesn't matter too much(but still important ) if you are male because the children will take your ethnicity anyway.
You guys are not going to live in the west(or wherever
you live) forever so if you marry a foreigner it should be from a people you would be proud of being from.
You have the choice to choose but your children don't
So It should be a country you would be happy to call home if you were to move today.
I've heard of Palestinian Somali couples which I feel isn't a good idea unless you're male
Now don't get me wrong I have no hate or negative sentiments for the Palestinians.
I hope Allah restores their blessed land to them.

I just feel it is important to have a motherland to go back to.
If you're a woman what kind of gift is that to your children.
Which brings me to my next point.
We are one of the most racist community in the world.
Back home never mind foreigners we discriminate against full ethnic Somalis depending on what tribe they're.
Even in the west we discriminate against foreigners.
This is probably due to the fact that Somalis tend to have very weak genes.
The child tends to end up a clone of the foreign parent.

If you marry an African person your child will end with kinky hair and full black features and will look nothing like you or your family.
The world is a difficult place to be .
Most ethnicities look down upon black features.
Even police in the west judge people with afrocentric features more harshly than they do other people.
Even the black community hates their own features which is why they chase foreigners on a
daily basis. In the Somali regions black people are treated horribly due to the features Allah gave them.
Do you want your children to have inferiority complexes?
I don't recommend the Asians either.
The west did them a major disservice.
They colonised them so brutally that to this day the Asians worship whites to this day .
This means only light skin and white features are celebrated in their culture.
Even if you disregard that issue the problem remains that they are mostly non-muslims.
Yes I'm aware that men can marry non Muslims but I hope you guys understand as well that the child usually takes the culture of the mother.
The first teacher of any child is always the mother
Boris Johnson has a Muslim grandfather but he is a non-muslim who hates Islam.
Even if you overcome that issue you need to remember that that the Asians have extremely toxic sexist cultures.
I wouldn't recommend the Arabs either they are also very sexist people who also idolise whiteness. In a somali family the woman is an equal member of the household but in a Arab or Asian family the men are usually the boss.
To be honest there really isn't an ethnicity I would recommend apart from the Horn (minus Ethiopia)and some north Africans
This is due to the fact we have similar cultures and looks.
However I definitely would not recommend whites.
Yes they are not sexist or that racist but I feel it's not a good combination.

We somalis are Muslim people with a beautiful culture.

What are whites?
Non Muslims who believe in degeneracy being acceptable
In the entire world the western nations are the only people who legalise degeneracy and start promoting it to Children at a very young age.

Most pedophiles usually tend to be white.This isn't a racist ignorant statement it is backed up by several studies.
The biggest issue I have with whites is they are non Muslim.
Even if your spouse happens to be Muslim their extended family won't be.
How can you raise a child with good manners and Deen when their grandparents and other close family are non Muslims
If you really have a preference for whites at least go for the Bosnians.
Atleast they are honourable Muslim people with a beautiful culture.
I personally have weighed up my options and I don't think I'll ever go for foreigner because I don't see a reason to date out.
We somalis have very unique diverse looks and are one of the oldest people in the world to exist.
We have a rich history and have never been enslaved by anyone.
We also have a very beautiful culture including the cuisine.
The Somali regions may be a disaster of a place right now but who's fault is that.
The ones back home a trying to fix it.
While you westerners (or where ever you live ) seem to think back home is just your parent's problem.
You have absolutely zero interest in it prospering.
Which is a massive shame because we are improving day by day.
Soon in a couple of years maybe we will be a developed prosperous nation.
Our nation is a beautiful place where the sun never stops shining and the athan is constantly blaring.
We have stunning beaches and landscapes.
I can't describe it in words but you'll understand the appeal If you go visit.I thought it was a disaster of a place before
I visited this year but honestly it is actually better than the west in certain areas.
Even if you disregard literally everything I have said I would like you to understand one simple thing.
Relationships work out better when you have similar cultures because you will have the same views on a lot of important things and please stop going for foreigners who
are losers. Choose a successful foreigner if you have a preference for foreigners.
No more losers with a prison record or something.
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