things that can help you fall in love with life again, and stay; a thread
this is inspired by a close friend of mine. i miss you so much. i love you and i wish you knew how much of an impact you left on the world noah
1. the world has barely been discovered yet. help us find new plants and animals and trees, and see it’s beauty
2. there’s a lot of photos to be taken, whether it’s graduation, wedding, or even just some photos of you and your friends doing something. make sure you can take those photos and fill the frames up
3. don’t you love the smell of rain?
4. it’s a nice feeling to wake up and know you have nothing to do tha day, and you can just relax the whole day. think about the amount of lazy days you’re gonna be able to have
there’s so many dogs just waiting to be pet by you
your first kiss
listening to new music for the first tkme
you’re gonna meet your person
clicking all the buttons at once on the elevator cause it makes you happy and you get adrenaline from it
finding the perfect picture to hang up in your room that matches EVERYTHING
rereading your favorite book
FINALLY getting to see that movie you’ve been DYING to watch
dipping your toes into a cold lake because it’s early in the morning and everything has a little chill
making someone laugh until they cry
the one shower that just makes you feel so clean and relaxed and sleepy
sliding your smooth legs onto a sheet
FINALLY getting a binder that makes you feel happy
getting his sweatshirt
going to the store and buying things you want cause you deserve it
holding a baby for the first time and welcoming them into the world
watching the sun rise and set, because it doesn’t care about anything, it just keeps rising and setting every day for you, cause even if your world is ending, the sun still sets and it’s so beautiful
complimenting strangers and seeing their faces light up
fighting for equal rights
watching the sun reflect into glass, creating a rainbow
dancing in the rain
seeing the cows in a pasture you drive by, and without fail, no matter if you’re in a conversation, you say “look cows!” because they’re cows !
the moon loves you so much
absolute, uncontrollable and loud annoying laughter
seeing those cringey “aunty ann” facebook posts someome equally as cringey shares 24/7
planting a garden
feeling a kitten breath softly as it lays on your chest
dying your hair whatever color you want because you finally can
seeing the sun shine on the leaves
watching a toddler figure out life and fall in love with it too
the world loves you; you’re never alone. so many people are hurting and people are worth the happiness coming their way. you’re never, ever undeserving of a happy life, or love and happiness. it comes to you, i promise, and i love you so so much. you’re gonna be okay, i promise
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