y’all don’t understand, it’s a long standing tradition in this country that if a president loses the election, they peacefully transfer power over to the next president coming in without any issues. Because of this, there has been no laws written on what to do if they don’t 1/? https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1284854965975109634
so basically if trump decided to throw a little temper tantrum and refuses to accept the election results, what we have is a fucking dictator. He would be in charge of this country as kind of a “in between” until the country can produce the election results he wants
and this time that he is in charge, not accepting the results, doesn’t count towards the 8 years that every president is allotted. So basically, he could become our president indefinitely, saying that he is “investigating” the election results. Then do that forever.
Like I said, because every president before has done this gracefully with each new election of accepting the results and moving out, we have no laws for this, this has never happened before in our country. Trump can become our dictator and do it completely legally.
Obviously this is fucking scary and I don’t need to explain why this is a mockery of every aspect of democracy but there are a few things to do that could influence this. 1. Obviously, vote. Please fucking vote in droves to get this toddler out of office.
2. Push for the passing of laws where incumbents HAVE to vote with the majority of their constituents. Some states have already passed these laws but not enough. This means your representatives HAVE to listen to you and HAVE to vote the way you want them to.
A lot of them already do to because it’s the right thing to do as a representative but they don’t have to. Which is why we’re considered a democratic republic.
What makes our country great is being threatened at the hands of a toddler of a man in charge and hopefully if all of us vote in November against him and it’s a landslide, it will show that nobody wants him. This doesn’t mean that he still won’t do it but it’s all we can do.
Sorry this was so long, it needed to be said and hopefully everyone, no matter where you lie politically, understands how fucking scary this is and how much of a threat this is to our country as we know it. So here’s your civics lesson for the day 😅
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