1. Academic conferences for highly sensitive people/introverts/folks who find current systems unbearable: a) they would be held in soft gentle space near a brook, the ocean, or a lake. With windows that look out onto nature but that glass that can frost automatically if you need.
2. The break times would provide a soft quiet break room Option where you could go drink soothing beverages (chamomile tea!) and not talk to anyone unless you really have the spoons.
3. If anyone decides they want to show off by attacking other people’s work needlessly (by all means, do critique harmful stuff!), you will be able to respond to them and say ‘we’re here to expand knowledge, not egos’ and move on without the ensuing panic attack.
4. Medication options and doctors on site (non racist, compassionate, non fat shaming doctors covered by Medicare and pharmacare) who can prescribe or renew your anxiety meds (or anything else you need to function in conference space) as needed.
5. There would be diverse, nourishing food options on site that are free or affordable to ensure folks can fuel up as needed. No weird body shaming or food shaming of folks who need to eat to have energy to engage in academic gauntlet of conferences allowed.
6. They would be organized in such a way that visas would be honoured+not horrendously expensive+stressful to obtain. Fees would truly reflect class/income +profs from fancy institutions could help subsidize precarious scholars. Community can attend for free, no barriers.
7. They would also honour the labour of those cooking for attendees, as well as those providing housing and cleaning the venue and accommodations. There cannot be epistemic justice/expansion/curiosity if an event exploits precarious labour.
8. People would be encouraged to really think about the history of the place the conference is held, and attend to whatever reciprocal responsibilities are invoked by place (to the more-than-human beings whose lands/waters/atmospheres we occupy when we attend conferences).
9. Overall just more thought would go into why we are meeting, who is impacted by current mega-conference models, and divestment from colonial capitalist white supremacist and heteropatriarchal approaches to knowledge production and knowledge sharing.
19. Basically just more thought would go into why we gather, and what we seek to achieve from gathering beyond a line on the academic CV. 🌿🌿🌿
11. if we really put intention into why we do academic things, and think about the radical futures we need/deserve/desire, we could harness some of the collective potential of these gatherings to actually disrupt/dismantle the systems. But we must move away from current models.
12. & this requires a disruption of ego-driven academic production. We must start thinking about what we can + will collaboratively produce as thinkers divested from individualist competition, and instead imagine what all that collective energy could manifest, if we commit to it.
You can follow @ZoeSTodd.
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