"Cyber attack ചെയ്യുന്ന നിങ്ങൾക്കൊന്നും വേറെ പണിയില്ലേ, നാണമില്ലേ" - This statement by Ahaana is an upper class/caste product.
Those people, especially women who are facing financial, mental, physical and societal problems cannot afford to trivialise something like "Cyber attack"
This video by her is very problematic. She blatantly trivialised cyber bullying. But when in fact this can only be controlled by taking timely legal measures. Instead of pushing for the legality of it,she asked people to shrug it off. She from her privilege can afford to do that.
But many other women cannot. She has celebrities to support her and can afford to not let her mental health be affected by this. But to not even raise how illegal this is, just also proves that she might not have faced obscene abuses as much. You cannot let abuses go.
Her video would have been fine if she talked about how to get help from the police when such cyber bullying occurs.
But this ended up being a privileged rant.
Also if that video was truly a "love letter to bullies", then why is she deleting the comments? Some comments that weren't even critisisms got deleted.
Which shows that this is just a privileged stunt.
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