Anti-mask groups are flourishing on @Facebook. Zuckerberg should see that by feeding these flames, he puts people I love -- and people who others love -- at risk of death. Here's how I think they get a pass from Facebook. đŸ§”
Many of these are private groups, which means moderators can't scan the posts to flag fake news. And a lot of posts just screenshot headlines supporting their beliefs, complicating a review of the article. Clearly the people in these groups don't care about details.
In order to join these groups, you need to agree to guidelines on how to avoid being reported to Facebook. These groups are savvy about flying below the radar.
For this reason, most posts are long comments spreading misinformation or photos like below. These are dangerous because it encourages others to replicate the behavior. Again, I have loved ones at risk so I feel this personally. I tried to report it and...
Facebook does not have a category for spreading medical misinformation that could harm lives. With 140,000 dead in the US, isn't time that Mark Zuckerburg flags this?
Seeing as FB does nothing, perhaps it's not a bad idea to join these groups and flood their feed with actual information. But I don't know if that works. Thanks @ejwillingham for pointing this out and ruining my Monday morning 😂
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