It’s become clear to me that a big reason there’s such a divide when it comes to reopening schools is the public perception of what teachers do and what their jobs look like is VASTLY different than the reality. There’s conflict because we’re having 2 different conversations.
To be more precise: this isn’t just about whether or not they should open, but all kinds of things: what teaching looks like in either scenario, what our responsibilities are that aren’t just directly teaching the kids, what is and isn’t possible with resources available.
Even my own friends and family question certain choices schools have made or wonder why certain things aren’t possible. Many of the comments people make about school expectations aren’t malicious, they just reveal that so much of what comprises our jobs is very unknown to others.
I see people ask why teachers can’t stream their classes to kids at home while teaching in person. In theory, I can see how that might seem possible. In reality, it simply couldn’t be done. It’s a million things like this
All the stakeholders are desperately attempting to craft solutions and find fixes and propose ideas to make it work for the kids. But it’s as we’re working on common plans but some of us think we will be sailing a ship and others think we are going to fly to the moon.
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