Why is the fact that the Federal Government is invading the State of Oregon not the vast majority of the news at the moment?
Like if the Federal Gov't deploys forces in a city and state which has, in no uncertain terms, made it clear they are unwanted and unwelcome and refuses to leave...

Isn't that supposed to be big?

Like constitutionally big?

Seems like just another news item.
Like if everyone in a State wants the Feds to GTFO, isn't a refusal to do so a denial of constitutional State sovereignty?

Is that not inherently a tacit declaration that States have no power?

If I understand correctly, the WH is ignoring mayors, governors, and congresspeople.
Um where the fuck is the 2nd Amendment crowd?

Like this is your moment Libertarians! Where you at? Oh. Online stanning Federal forces. My bad.

Didn't mean to disturb you.
1) Attack mail in ballots and the entire USPS in the spring
2) Bring in secret police to terrorize and intimidate citizens all summer
3) Escalate force in the Fall.
4) Deliberately undermine efforts to slow Covid-19 in cities and spread it instead
5) Close polls, causing crowding
We are in the midst of a murderous, multi-pronged assault on Democracy by a Governmental white supremacist terrorist organization.

What you are seeing is deliberate.

The President is fomenting a coup.
What is happening in Portland right now is about to be a national phenomenon.

The White House is attacking cities while trying to stoke fear of the Black (and Black supportive) victims of those attacks in rural/suburban whites.

Secret police are invading the US.
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