While we throw the 'nazi' label at each other, denoting the evils of the fascist Third Reich, we ignorantly turn a blind eye to something which has all the hallmarks of the worst excesses of totalitarianism of the 1930s-1950s. (Cont)
What China is doing to its population, to dissidents, to religious folk, to ethnic minorities (notably those of Uighur descent), is a incredible travesty of human rights. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions (I am not overstating this), are being affected. (Cont)
Yet, many in the west—politicians, businessmen, and others—care more about not upsetting the applecart. Wanting to not insult China, due to the Middle Kingdom's impact on the domestic economy than they do about such violations. (Cont)
These same folk are happy to tell us in Western countries what to do in society where there is low risk, but don't dare speak against China in case they lose support and investments. Fully aware that China is willing to mettle out punishment to those who don't tie the line.(Cont)
That there are many people, companies and institutions that are advising not to use such 'hawkish' rhetoric against China is demonstrative that there is an abundance of naive apologists who have no real understanding of Chinese politics and its foreign approach, or who (Cont)
just care about the financial gains involved with being China's 'friends'.

The reality is, the CCP doesn't have 'friends', they just have tools that they'll utilise for as long as they can as much as they can. (Cont)
Xi Jinping is an egocentric, brutal, dictator. Xi has undone many of the 'moderate' policies of Hu Jintao (and even of Deng Xioping). He has purged and removed the power of rival cliques (Especially the Shanghai Clique), and has consolidated power. (Cont)
Today's China is just a technological superior variant to China under Mao. It is no less an oppressive regime than it was then, or the Stalinist Soviet Union or Hitler's Germany. We need to be awoken to this reality and its threat. How long will we avoid the dragon in the room?
Quite frankly. If you want to see the reason why societal morality doesn't work, just examine both the existence of Communist China, and the inability (or unwillingness) of the global community to deal with such a country out of fear of a economic fallout.
For note, I was attached to the Department of Chinese Studies at a prominent Sydney university, with a focus and emphasis on Modern China (1918-2000). I'm not blindly saying this out of a phobia, but out of concern for the population of China. The country where my wife is from.
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