#Nile4all: Average annual rainfall in #Egypt is 1.5 billion cubic meters, while #Ethiopia’s average of annual rainfall is 936 billion cubic meters. 1/ https://twitter.com/ethiopianwaters/status/1285180206932799489
#Nile4all: Egypt has only 1 River flowing through its territory, #Ethiopia has 12 rivers in addition to the Blue Nile that they can use for various developmental projects. 2/
#Nile4all: From #Ethiopia’s annual average rainfall of 936 billion cubic meters, only 5% flow into the Blue Nile. So, #Ethiopia has 11 river basins containing 95% of its annual rainfall. Why harm #Egypt by threatening the 5% that constitute Egypt’s only water supply lifeline? 3/
#Nile4all: Egypt is one of the most water-impoverished nations with an annual share of 570 cubic meters of water per person. #Ethiopia has an annual share of 8,100 cubic meters of water per person. Huge discrepancy between the two countries in favor of #Ethiopia. 4/
#Nile4all: For years #Egypt expressed that #Ethiopia can build #GERD & use it for all its developemntal needs. But, there was agreement that #Egypt’s water supply share would not be reduced, as it is an existential threat. Why does #Ethiopia want to harm 100 million people? 5/
#Nile4all: Why does #Ethiopia want to play politics & jeopardize #Egypt’s only water supply line? Nobody is preventing #Ethiopia from using the Nile. Egypt asks for cooperation! Nile is for everyone. It might originate in #Ethiopia but that doesn’t mean it owns the Nile River. 6/
#Ethiopia’s entire #GERD social media campaign is divisive. Instead of bringing people together, building consensus & encourage cooperation, #Ethiopia seeks to instigate more hatred & division. Wrong to use hashtag #NileforEthiopia! Nile is for all! #Nile4all *END*
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