I love how Jesus discipled the first 12.

At times he preached, taught then demonstrated (Matt 4:23)
At times he demonstrated then preached and taught (Matt 8)
And there were times where he sent them by themselves (Matt 10)
WORD and DEED is the key to discipleship

Word with no deed breeds hypocrisy and stagnancy
Deeds with no word brings instability and insecurity
Jesus says to the disciples John 13:35
That the world will know His disciples by their deeds toward each other

Their deeds are a response to their tutors instructions
It is very easy for western culture to dilute the meaning discipleship by making it knowledge / education / philosophy - heavy . It relies more on what you know. (Greek mindset)
Rather than what you know informing you and compelling you to do something
It’s very interesting when you think about it . The Hebraic mind was more about obedience to the scriptures
The Greek mindset was about “gnosis” (Greek world for knowledge)
Early Christian culture highlights that early believers were taught and then they went of to practice.
This is what Ephesians 4:11-16 is all about .

Equipping the saints to do their job - IN THE WORLD ......
The 12 apostles were are differnt levels of education, not all were learned but with what they were taught , they held onto it , they lived it until the world was shaken upside down
Paul of the other hand was a brilliant mind , he was a learned scholar, but his deed was misinformed and flawed. It was after an encounter (with Christ) and training in Christ that he ends up being the apostle that ends up writing the most about Christian duty in the Bible
Don’t get so caught up in scripture that up you become knowledge fat and deed deficient
Don’t be so deed focused that you are word intolerant

Get balanced- get discipled
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