To new #itsokaytonotbeokay fans, don't mind the rating. it's not going to be a blockbuster hit PRECISELY because of its topic:


To put it to perspective, a really good drama called It's Okay, That's Love starring Gong Hyo-jin and Jo In-sung was aired by (1/4)
SBS (a public network) back in 2014. It averaged around 10-12%.

IOTNBO plays around 4-6% on a cable channel. It is also shown in TVing. It consistently ranks first in Netflix, and even reaches worldwide ranking.

It doesn't get blockbuster TV ratings because (2/4)
MENTAL HEALTH is a sensitive topic.

Additionally, it tackles the effect of bad parenting (who holds the remote control??). It also features a character with developmental disorder.


But it is why viewers APPRECIATE AND LOVE it. (3/4)
It is raw, emotional, heavy, and so UNAPOLOGETIC about what it portrays.

TV ratings is not dictated by the quality of the drama. The converse is also true.

We have six episodes left, and so far, we've seen nothing but the best. Let's give it a lot of love and enjoy :)
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