alright new japan watch over, i'm going to cry a little over hana in the roh special.
her in dark hair honestly hits so different and i want to rock that bob/fringe for my next cut/dye
i'm going to try and capture some backstage moments but they're taking a while to process but i got to say, i always will love the odeo tai dance
kagetsu is.... iconic truly, i don't have much else to say
it's msg time.
man how ironic that jenny was against odeo tai in their last match up but now for them...
oh who knew it would be martina and hana's comments after msg that would get me emotional
alright i'm not going to say much else because i know i might've already made my tl a bit emotional tonight but i truly miss hana so much.

but roh show off her light and talent well so please watch with the links i mentioned before.

and take care of yourselves and others <3
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