I think this person just nailed the reason for so many young ppl believing that fanworks made them ‘think [x] was ok’: bc they mistake feelings of disgust for morality, they mistake desensitization for losing their moral compass. https://twitter.com/tortalksback/status/1284867854748184576
to elaborate (& clarify):

- 'young ppl' in this tweet = ppl 25&under, bc ime 'disgust = morality' is considerably more common among online Americans in this age group than among millennials/Gen X.

it is not, however, *limited* to that age group.
I suspect (but can't prove) this is due to factors such as:

-a lack of teaching critical/analytical thinking
-post-9/11 massive uptick in authoritarian/reactionary training ('do as you're told w/out thinking'/'react on instinct to threats')
-Religious Right stranglehold on USA
irt the Puritan influence in the US:
1) 'disgust = morality' is 'negative emotional reactions are your [God-given] conscience telling you [x] is morally wrong'
1b) Puritans claim we can deaden our conscience by ignoring it long enough, so no disgust = lack of conscience
2) this is why the focus irt morality is on sex & ignores violence.

Puritans came to these shores ready to do violence to the First Nations. Violence can be done in God's name. Sex is almost always sinful & a distraction from God's calling.
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