What you fail to realize is by not adding K1 visas to the Nation Interest Exemption list, you are in a sense banning Fiancé visas from being processed. Embassies are refusing to process them until K1s are allowed to travel. Why are we not exempt? Family should be Nation interest https://twitter.com/travelgov/status/1283894206541500418
Almost every allowed visa has been listed except K1 visas for and tourist visas. Why is my fiancé treated on the same priority level as tourist? Was excluding K1 visas an oversight? And if it wasn’t why isn’t family of US citizens treated w/ the same urgency as student&sports
Take a chance to at @TravelGov @StateDept @mikepompeo @SecPompeo in this thread people who are going through the K1 visa process and feeling upset at the fact that every visa category is prioritized before us, including other foreigner visas and their dépendants.
@TravelGov @SecPompeo @mikepompeo @StateDept Has been strangely silent when it comes to the pleas of citizens who have partners outside of the United States. Their silence is an indication of lack of care and compassion for US Citizens. We deserve to be at least acknowledge
Also tag Embassies that are choosing to hold K1 visa processing, despite the fact that K1 visa processing is not banned. Make them aware of how it is affecting your life. Ask for updates and timelines instead of being kept in the dark. #resumeK1visa
Many people who have been issued emergency K1 visas or recieved one prior to the travel bans were able to quarentine in an allowed country for 14 days&then enter the US sucessfully. While this isn’t the best chase scenario, Embassies should allow us to make that decision ourself
You can follow @Mariasimone199.
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