Okay, I think this comic is trying to express some frustrations with other artists as a whole, but at the same time I feel there are some key points we should understand before jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst out of everyone:
1. Twitter is a cesspool. Because some people get so many notifications a day, it's IMPOSSIBLE to reply to every single one. (I've certainly tried!) If you're just asking how someone is doing, that's not a bad thing whatsoever! But sometimes, people don't have the time-
-to answer or are dealing more important issues. It is very easy to get buried with messages on this site and I don't think it's fair to assume someone IS ignoring you just because they didn't respond AT ALL. It's entirely possible maybe they didn't even get the message or-
something happened and they went AFK. They can potentially be receiving these messages multiple times a day and don't want to answer them each and every time. There can be many, MANY reasons why some artists are just not going to answer and your happiness shouldn't be based on it
Not everyone has the time, patience, or energy to do it. Especially if they have health issues. I know some artists who do try to (and I wonder how they do it, myself) but it's time that they CHOOSE to dedicate for themselves because they want that connection with their audience.
2.They don't feel comfortable about it. If you don't know someone well, I don't feel that they have the obligation to answer back. I believe in personal boundaries online. Some people for privacy/safety aren't going to respond to people they don't know.
I can understand the frustration of messaging someone and not getting a response back. I really do. I've done it plenty of times in the past, but at the end of the day, you also can't force people to talk to you. Some people had really bad experiences and maybe don't want that.
3. Fanart is going to be praised by mostly anyone who appreciates it. I can completely understand feeling of frustration that you only get attention of you do something for "x person". However, I feel fan art is a separate issue on its own and I don't think it's fair to compare.
Fanart is easily accessible through tags and doesn't require that interaction. Trying to talk to someone you might not even know in a DM is an entirely separate issue. Again, some people like that, but others just aren't going to be interested and that's fine!
Just because someone didn't answer your message doesn't mean that they can't appreciate the work that you've done. Or that it means that they don't appreciate the EFFORT to reach out to begin with. We can't make surface level assumptions based on our own feelings. It's deceiving.
I can honestly understand being a huge fan of someone, sending that first message and being disappointed they never responded. I don't think that disappointment is a bad thing, but I also think it's important to understand why that might be the case.
I think we can acknowledge the frustration on both ends when it comes to this issue. It's not just about being "stuck-up" or "whiny". That's a generalization on both ends. It's about understanding each other and why we make these decisions.
The comic didn't QRT for some reason?
For reference.
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