I am a 49 year old mother with a Masters in Education and I just got gassed by my own government. We were peaceful. I think I stood in the middle of the gas for longer than i should have... #wallofmoms #PortlandMoms #PortlandProtest #Teargas #BLM
because I just couldn’t comprehend that the smoke in the air and those canisters rolling on the ground toward my feet were tear gas. My government wouldn’t take away my right to protest. My government would not attack a group of loud chanting moms with tear gas...I was wrong.
It was painful. My eyes burned, my skin burned, it was hard to breathe from the pain in my throat and chest. A stranger took pity on me and gave me his pair of ski goggles. That helped my eyes a little but not completely. I can’t believe I now live in a nation ...
That doesn’t think twice about gassing its own citizens.
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