i’ve been looking back at my old tweets and interactions (2015-16) lately and i can say without a doubt it makes me sick to my stomach to read back my interactions with some folks i happened to pass by in a thread/reply/what have you. like i was 12-13 when i first (1/?)
became super active on this account and i was so completely drawn into myself and insecure in those years. i quickly latched on to fandom twitter bc i had already been immersed in tumblr fandom for a few years (which was a whole other problem on its own) and felt like (2/?)
i could get some solace here. and i made some great friends along the way who i think about daily and am constantly appreciative of. ❤️ but man, i really didn’t know how to cope with the knee-jerk hatefulness one might receive in a simple thread about fan opinions. (3/?)
i’ve deleted some tweets that were no longer attached to threads due to other accounts or tweets being deleted, because it made me feel weird for me to see myself be so overtly self depricating to random strangers online at the first interaction w them. (4/?)
i’ve come so far when it comes to building my confidence and dealing w constant anxiety but looking back at old interactions and even stand alone tweets has really made me remember the way i walked around with a constant thorn in my side. don’t know where i’m going w this (5/?)
but i guess the moral of the story is that if ur at an impressionable age, pls don’t let ppl you don’t even know make you feel small just bc they don’t agree w you about some obscure fan theory or something dumb like that. and you don’t have to be self depricating to seem (6/?)
approachable. because after a while the things you joke about will stick and make you feel worse about yourself! ok rant over i really need to get some sleep. (7/7)
this is gonna be me in the future about this thread isn’t it
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