{A Thread on “The Anointing” 🔥}

“Anointed” is used 100x in the Bible

- 10x in the gospels
- 2x in Acts referencing Jesus
- 2x in the Epistles
- 86x in the Old Testament

“Anointing” is used 29x in the Bible

- 3x in the New Testament
- 26x in the Old Testament
In the NT, “Anointed” is only used in reference to Jesus except in: 1 Corinthians 1:21 which tells us “God HAS anointed us” & in Hebrews in reference to the “oil of joy”

“Anointing” is used in James 5:14 which is in reference to the sick and rubbing oil on them while praying..
& 1 John 2:20,27 which tells us “we have received an anointing from Christ” & “the anointing from Him abides in us”

Anything outside of these uses will be found in the Old Testament in reference to: physical oil or being anointed into a particular position e.g. “anointed king”
The Old Testament IS NOT OUR REALITY. We are in Christ. The saints of the Old Testament were not. We have a completely different reality and relationship with God than them.

In the Bible it tells us, as believers, “we have BEEN anointed... we have received an anointing”...
This contradicts what we hear from pastors regarding the anointing. It’s taught as something we must obtain by doing certain things but The Bible tells us we have already received it. Christ is THE anointed one and when you receive Him you become ONE, thus making you anointed...
Yes you are anointed. Why? Because Christ, the anointed one has become one with your spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17)

So now that you know you’re anointed because of Christ and Christ alone the next question is: “Why can’t I perform miracles like my pastor?”

The answer is...

John 14:12- “...whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these..”

Mark 16:16-18 tells us the signs that will follow those who believe: healing the sick, casting out demons and a lot more things...
The reason why many believers don’t actually do these things that scripture tells them they can do is because they don’t know they can do these things

If think that you don’t have the power to heal someone then you’d never step out to do it...
Many people think that it takes years to obtain power which isn’t true. All you need to do is grow in knowledge and understanding of who you are in Christ and what you have obtained (identity and inheritance)

Christ already lives in you. There’s no more power than Him.
You cannot be “anointed” by:
- Praying for hours
- Fasting for days
- Serving the pastor or the church

The key to obtaining the anointing is Romans 10:9, Ephesians 2:8-9
The key to manifesting the anointing you already have is by growing in knowledge of you identity in Christ
So because Christ is in you:
- YOU can heal the sick
- YOU can raise the dead
- YOU can cast out demons
- YOU can perform miracles

But until you believe this, you’ll never perform. It’s not you doing these things, it’s Christ through you. Think less of you and more of Christ
The character limit on this has limited how much I can explain but if anyone has any questions feel free to DM me 😌

So finally, you are anointed because Christ lives in you. You can perform miracles because Christ lives in you. Just believe this truth and do 🙏🏾
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