The people genuinely freaking out and upset that some teenagers did something terribly wrong by "hexing the Moon" have the same energy as that time a bunch of Catholics were all desperate and furious because some atheist blogger "took the Eucharist hostage" from a Mass
Like this is possibly actually worse

It's one thing to make yourself vulnerable to spiritual calamity if someone holds a wafer in their mouth and then spits it back out after the service

This is just holding yourself hostage to any rando on the Internet
Like shit I'M gonna hex the Moon right now

Hey, Moon, fuck you

Yeah, you heard me, eat shit

I hope an astronaut poops on you
Idk man I have so little patience for this kind of thing

I had a huge freakout when I was a little kid because of some Sunday school teacher seriously saying "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" was unforgivable damnation and implied you could do it by saying specific words
You know how many kids with Issues have done shit like try to summon a demon or whatever because of all these adults seriously acting like it's a big goddamn deal

If it actually worked we'd already be up to our ears in malign spirits, it's too late
Anyway Artemis and her brother Apollo both can go to Tartarus

What they did to Niobe and her children is pretty damn unworthy of worship, to say nothing of Callisto, Actaeon, Daphne

You can tell them I said so
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