lrt tho if anybody is going to be a beauty blogger coasting on being naturally pretty and skin-blessed, it’s probs NHS, right? MY starts out drugstore, but has early posts excited about trying Lanc/ome and mall counter brands or Tar/get stuff, and then once he starts banging NMJ,
it’s a swift, swift rise to SK//II and baby’s first Augus//tine Bad//er and Vint//ner’s Daughtef. Then comes the breakup with NMJ about making out with somebody who works for NMJ, and the next thing NMJ knows.... when did Xichen start doing this stuff? They used to stand around
at those networking events watching the scurrying, nmj getting drunk, xichen keeping an eye out for people his brother should meet. But now, NHS crashing into Mingjue’s home office at 2pm, clearly come straight from bed, waving his iPhone and yelling about
a cross-promo on Wangji’s vlog THE FEARSOME LAN ZHAN NEVER DOES CROSS PROMO and now he is telling people on this vlog WITH his BOYFriend AND THE RABBIts about an insta with nothing but beautifully done teaser placeholders hinting at content to come
And two things

1) NHS being like HE DOESNT WANT TO THIS, he is doing it but clearly isn’t thrilled, what the fuck, who the fuck can get Lan Zhan who turned DOWN Gloss//ier to do a single thing he doesNT WANT

2) NMj squinting and being like isn’t that the pool at the Lan summer
house, hunh, I wonder what Xichen is doing up there

and then NHS takes another look, feels a burn at the bottom of his stomach, and when the first actuaL Content hits and it’s Meng Yao’s relaunch backed by legacy media!!! how did that little shit fall upwards!!! into giggling
on a red carpet with somebody from Season 5 of Real House//wives of New York????





(Nmj mostly worried thaT MY is taking advantage of Xichen, and he’s....not wrong...but Xichen actually looks happy?? to be out there doing this??)
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